
Jaime C. de Veyra

Category: Personages
Location: Tanauan, Leyte
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Norberto Romualdez 1875–1941

Category: Personages
Location: Burauen, Leyte
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Eugenio Daza y Salazar (1870–1954)

Category: Personages
Location: Borongan, Eastern Samar
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The Convent of Palo

Category: Buildings/Structures
Location: Palo, Leyte
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Katedral ng Maasin

Category: Buildings/Structures
Location: Maasin, Southern Leyte
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Oppus Ancestral House (Southern Leyte Provincial Library)

Category: Buildings/Structures
Location: Maasin, Southern Leyte
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Pagdaong sa Dulag, Leyte

Category: Sites/Events
Location: Dulag, Leyte
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Provisional Capitol

Category: Buildings/Structures
Location: Tacloban City, Leyte
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Simbahan ng Capul

Category: Buildings/Structures
Location: Capul, Northern Samar
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Lumang Simbahan ng Palapag

Category: Buildings/Structures
Location: Palapag, Northern Samar
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